Professionals who are accused of malpractice face the prospect of adverse damage awards, and quite possibly the loss of their professional licenses and livelihoods. If not handled swiftly and properly, malpractice suits can do lasting damage to a professional’s reputation even if he or she is successful in maintaining his or her license.

If you are a professional facing an accusation of malpractice, it is crucial to have the legal counsel and trial representation of an experienced Vermont professional malpractice defense lawyer. At the law firm of Cleary Shahi & Aicher, P.C., we have achieved positive results in numerous malpractice and negligence cases. For a trusted and aggressive attorney, call us today at 802-775-8800.

Vermont Professional Negligence Lawyers

As a result of our years of experience in professional liability defense, our firm has built an impressive database of medical, dental, legal, engineering, construction, recreation industry, and other expert witnesses and consultants who can support our defense efforts.

We represent professionals accused of all types of professional malpractice, including:

In all matters of professional malpractice defense, our attorneys provide our clients with prompt personal attention and legal services tailored to their unique needs. At all phases of a case, we are dedicated to seeking the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Where necessary, we reach out to our trusted network of professional experts to aid us in protecting the interests of our clients. These relationships with highly qualified experts are a critical part of our success.

Contact Us | Call 802-775-8800

Our lawyers offer a no-charge consultation to discuss your potential defense needs. Contact us today to speak to one of our skilled and experienced trial lawyers.

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